Source code for blissoda.id31.optimize_exposure

r"""Optimize exposure conditions (time and attenuator) based
on a measurement

* $I_m$: measured diffracted intensity (maximum pixel value)
* $I_d$: desired diffracted intensity (maximum pixel value)
* $R$: diffraction count rate (Hz, maximum pixel value per second)
* $T(E,n)$: transmission at energy $E$ and attenuator position $n$

.. math::

    I_m &= R * tframe * nframe_m * T(E,n_m) \\
    I_d &= R * tframe * nframe_d * T(E,n_d)

Solve the following equation to $n_d$ and $nframe_d$

.. math::

    \frac{nframe_d * T(E,n_d)} = \frac{I_d * nframe_m * T(E,n_m)}{I_m}

from typing import Union, Optional, NamedTuple, List
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import lru_cache

import numpy
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

    from bliss import setup_globals

        from blissdata.lima import image_utils

        lima_image = None
    except ImportError:
        image_utils = None
        from import lima_image
except ImportError:
    setup_globals = None
    lima_image = None
    image_utils = None

    from id31 import attenuator as id31_attenuator
except ImportError:
    id31_attenuator = None

[docs] class ExposureCondition(NamedTuple): att_position: int expo_time: float
[docs] def optimize_exposure_condition( detector, tframe: float = 0.2, default_att_position: Optional[int] = None, desired_counts: float = 1e5, dynamic_range: int = 1 << 20, min_counts_per_frame: float = 1000, nframes_measure: int = 1, nframes_default: int = 3, reduce_desired_deviation: bool = True, expose_with_integral_frames: bool = False, maxint_sigma: float = 0, ) -> ExposureCondition: """Optimize the attenuator and return the optimal exposure time. :param detector: lima detector object :param tframe: time of a single frame in accumulation mode :param default_att_position: start the optimization with this attenuator position :param desired_counts: we want to be close to this maximum pixel value :param dynamic_range: full well of the detector :param min_counts_per_frame: we need at least these counts to even start optimizing :param nframes_measure: number of frames used for optimization measurements :param nframes_default: try modify attenuators for this number of frames :param reduce_desired_deviation: reduce deviation from the desired counts :param expose_with_integral_frames: exposure time is n x frame time with n integral or not :param maxint_sigma: gaussian smoothing sigma in pixels before getting the maximum frame intensity :returns: optimal exposure condition """ Imax_perframe = dynamic_range - 1 Id = desired_counts att_position_max = 31 att_position_start = _get_attenuator_position() with _diode_range_context(): if default_att_position is None: att_position = att_position_start else: att_position = default_att_position if att_position != att_position_start: _set_attenuator_position(att_position) # Make sure we are BELOW the dynamic range of the detector Im_perframe = _get_max_intensity_per_frame(detector, tframe, nframes_measure) while Im_perframe >= Imax_perframe and att_position < att_position_max: att_position += 1 _set_attenuator_position(att_position) Im_perframe = _get_max_intensity_per_frame( detector, tframe, nframes_measure ) if Im_perframe >= Imax_perframe: # We are at full attenuation and full dynamic range. # Decreasing the frame time would be an option but # ID31 keeps it fixed. print( f"Optimized exposure: expo_time={tframe} sec, attenuator={att_position}" ) return tframe # Make sure we have some counts to make the calculations # further on more reliable while Im_perframe < min_counts_per_frame and att_position: att_position -= 1 _set_attenuator_position(att_position) _prev = Im_perframe Im_perframe = _get_max_intensity_per_frame( detector, tframe, nframes_measure ) if Im_perframe >= Imax_perframe: att_position += 1 Im_perframe = _prev break # Calculate transmissions T(E,n_d) of all attenuators transmissions = _attenuator_transmisions(_get_energy_value()) # Calculate the conditions to reach the desired counts condition = _calculate_optional_conditions( transmissions, att_position, Im_perframe, Id, tframe=tframe, nframes_default=nframes_default, reduce_desired_deviation=reduce_desired_deviation, expose_with_integral_frames=expose_with_integral_frames, ) _set_attenuator_position(condition.att_position) return condition
[docs] def optimal_exposure_conditions( mot, start, stop, intervals, detector, tframe: float = 0.2, nframes_measure: int = 1, nframes_default: int = 3, desired_counts: float = 1e5, reduce_desired_deviation: bool = True, expose_with_integral_frames: bool = False, maxint_sigma: float = 2, ) -> List[ExposureCondition]: """Return the optimal attenuator and exposure time for each motor position. Measurements are done at the current attenuator position. :param mot: :param start: :param stop: :param intervals: :param detector: lima detector object :param tframe: time of a single frame in accumulation mode :param desired_counts: we want to be close to this maximum pixel value :param nframes_measure: number of frames used for optimization measurements :param nframes_default: try modify attenuators for this number of frames :param reduce_desired_deviation: reduce deviation from the desired counts :param expose_with_integral_frames: exposure time is n x frame time with n integral or not :param maxint_sigma: gaussian smoothing sigma in pixels before getting the maximum frame intensity :returns: list of optimal exposure conditions """ Id = desired_counts att_position = _get_attenuator_position() Im_perframe_per_position = _get_max_intensity_per_frame_per_position( mot, start, stop, intervals, detector, tframe=tframe, nframes=nframes_measure, sigma=maxint_sigma, ) transmissions = _attenuator_transmisions(_get_energy_value()) return [ _calculate_optional_conditions( transmissions, att_position, Im_perframe, Id, tframe=tframe, nframes_default=nframes_default, reduce_desired_deviation=reduce_desired_deviation, expose_with_integral_frames=expose_with_integral_frames, ) for Im_perframe in Im_perframe_per_position ]
def _calculate_optional_conditions( transmissions, att_position, Im_perframe, Id, tframe: float = 0.2, nframes_default: int = 3, reduce_desired_deviation: bool = True, expose_with_integral_frames: bool = False, ) -> ExposureCondition: # Calculate all possible intensities with nframe_d=nframes_default # I = R * tframe * nframes_default * T(E,n_d) Rtframe = Im_perframe / transmissions[att_position] # R * tframe Ichoices = Rtframe * nframes_default * transmissions att_position = numpy.argmin(abs(Ichoices - Id)) if att_position != 0: if reduce_desired_deviation: # Reduce the deviation from Id by solving this to nframes_d # I_d = R * tframe * nframes_d * T(E,n_d) nframe_d = Id / (Rtframe * transmissions[att_position]) if expose_with_integral_frames: expo_time = _round_number(nframe_d) * tframe else: expo_time = _round_number(nframe_d * tframe, ndecimals=1) else: expo_time = nframes_default * tframe else: # No attenuator: increase exposure time # I_d = R * tframe * nframes nframe_d = Id / Rtframe if expose_with_integral_frames: expo_time = _round_number(nframe_d) * tframe else: expo_time = _round_number(nframe_d * tframe, ndecimals=1) expected_max_counts = Rtframe / tframe * expo_time * transmissions[att_position] print( f"Optimal exposure conditions: expo_time={expo_time} sec, attenuator={att_position}, expected max counts={expected_max_counts}" ) return ExposureCondition(att_position=att_position, expo_time=expo_time) def _set_attenuator_position(att_position: int) -> None: """SiO2 thickness (cm) ~= 1.25 * att_position. Does not adapt the diode ranges accordingly.""" setup_globals.atten.bits = att_position def _get_attenuator_position() -> int: return setup_globals.atten.bits def _get_energy_value() -> float: """keV""" return @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def _attenuator_transmisions(energy: float): att_position_max = 31 return id31_attenuator.SiO2trans(energy, numpy.arange(att_position_max + 1)) @contextmanager def _diode_range_context(): """Adapt the diode ranges according to the attenuator position.""" try: yield finally: setup_globals.att(setup_globals.atten.bits) def _round_number(nframes: Union[float, int], ndecimals: int = 0) -> Union[float, int]: if ndecimals: m = 10**ndecimals return max(int(nframes * m + 0.5) / m, 1 / m) else: return max(int(nframes + 0.5), 1) def _get_max_intensity_per_frame( detector, tframe: float = 0.2, nframes: int = 1, sigma: float = 0, # rockit is most likely enabled ) -> float: setup_globals.ct(tframe * nframes, detector) # This is slower: # setup_globals.fshopen() # setup_globals.limatake(tframe, nbframes=nframes) # setup_globals.fshclose() if image_utils is not None: frame = image_utils.read_video_last_image(detector.proxy).array else: frame, _ = lima_image.read_video_last_image(detector.proxy) maxint = _get_frame_max_intensity(frame, sigma=sigma) / nframes return maxint def _get_max_intensity_per_frame_per_position( mot, start, stop, intervals, detector, tframe: float = 0.2, nframes: int = 1, sigma: float = 2, # rockit is cannot be enabled ) -> List[float]: count_time = tframe * nframes scan = setup_globals.ascan( mot, start, stop, intervals, count_time, detector, save=False ) data = scan.get_data() frames = data[ + ":image"] maxint = [ _get_frame_max_intensity(frame, sigma=sigma) / nframes for frame in frames ] return maxint def _get_frame_max_intensity(frame, sigma: float = 2) -> float: if sigma > 0: return gaussian_filter(frame, sigma=sigma).max() return frame.max()