
Since data processing is not done in Bliss itself but in external workers, you need to install supporting libraries in the Bliss environment as well as in one or more external python environments.

Client Side#

In the Bliss environment install with the client option

pip install blissoda[client]

Beamline specific clients are installed with the beamline name as option

pip install blissoda[id11]

Project specific clients are installed with the project name as option

pip install blissoda[streamline]

External triggering#

When workflows are not triggered from Bliss but from an external process that is monitoring Redis scan data, install with the server option in the python environment in which this monitoring process needs to run

pip install blissoda[server]

To start the monitoring process

BEACON_HOST=id00:25000 blissoda workflows

Worker Side#

blissoda needs an ewoksjob installation with workers for the actual computations.

A typical installation at an ESRF beamline is described here.