Online Data Processing for Streamline HT-XRPD#
Fully automated Powder diffraction (scanning and data processing)
DEMO_SESSION [1]: from blissoda.demo.streamline_scanner import streamline_scanner,sample_changer
DEMO_SESSION [2]: streamline_scanner.eject()
DEMO_SESSION [3]: streamline_scanner.load()
DEMO_SESSION [4]: streamline_scanner.calib(0.1, sample_index=3)
The arguments of calib and run are the same as sct with some additional keyword arguments. The calibration is done by selecting a specific sample sample_index.
Installation on lid31dat1 (data processing)#
One conda environment called ewoksworker
Dependencies installed:
pip install ewoksjob[blissworker]
pip install ewoksxrpd
Processes registered with the supervisor
ewoksmonitor: monitor data processing http://lid31dat1:5555/
ewoksworker: celery worker that does the actual calculation
Installation on bibhelm (acquisition control)#
Add ewoks configuration to beacon.
Dependencies installed in the bliss environment
pip install blissoda[streamline]
Install and configure the streamline sample changer.
Add this to the bliss session setup script that needs the streamline scanner
from blissoda.streamline.streamline_scanner import StreamlineScanner as _StreamlineScanner
streamline_scanner = _StreamlineScanner()